Wednesday, August 31, 2005

About new office

They are making last finishing touch this week, so we can move to our new office next week. I'm not all that ecstatic whatsoever on this news, but at least in the new office we'll a properly working air conditioner. I've been running sweat and hot all these days.

I call our office-to be (the one I'm gonna share with 3 friends) "kamar kost", cuz it's really really small. And right next to it, the boss' office, twice as big and just him. (bitter, eh?)

Hubby's been out of the country again, and not to be expected till next week, which is fine by me. Well, actually, not fine, but I've managed to cope with it, not putting on the straight face anymore. Like my mom said "good career for your hubby, support him!" Yes, mother.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

01:02:35 27-08-2005

O the moon, so beautifully pale
The sky black and sea slowly exhales
Shower us with the glamorous pearly bright
In that wee hour of two o'clock

Our rendezvous is jammed with thoughts and the past
Should it be guilt or just a mere nervous laugh?
Must we pack up our memories and let them sink in?

Silence, o deafening silence
Shout every version of freedom

To you, I'm just a strand of memory
To me, our eternity.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Just Face it...

...your friends don't have time for you anymore, I said to myself. As pathetic as it sounds, it was an understatement after all the happenings between me and a group of my so-called friends. Though, at first I made all the efforts to make contacts and maintain our so-called friendship and I thought 'well maybe they're just busy or something' or 'why wait for them? if i need to talk to them, i should make the action' and lots of other husnuzan thoughts......... But No! They're never not busy. They never have time. They're always on the run. They always says they're unable to include me, or whateva.

I'm really tired now. I'm really tired of giving them chances that they never manage to make use of. If I should be friends with anybody, I wouldn't have to make that much efforts at all, and it's burdening me after all these time. So, be it!!!!!!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Resep Minggu ini


Rendang daging (jangan pedas)
Sayur daun singkong

Zidane :


Laksa penganten
Perkedel kentang
Tumis buncis tempe

Zidane :
Nasi goreng dalam selimut


Udang goreng tepung
Sop sayur

Zidane : Bola-bola kentang

Ayam goreng
Tumis kangkung bumbu terasi
Perkedel misoa

Zidane :
sup udang & sayur


Sayur asem
Tempe kering asam manis

Zidane : kroket bayam


Sambal goreng ati
Sayur bening bayam

Zidane : burger fantasi

Sukiyaki tumis broccoli

Zidane :
Agar-agar caramel isi buah
macaroni broccoli & cheese

Monday, August 08, 2005

Green is definitely IN!

Reportase mode
by phoebe, Batavia

My sense about color never failed, as for this time, I sensed that green is going to be a huge hit, besides the blasting trend of bohemian style. The bohemian fashion started by the plaguelike spread of nested skirt, as i witnessed in Bali, bule or locals were running along Kuta wearing it in different colors. Usually they mix the cool skirt with tank top in similar or contemporary bright colors.

After the success of the skirt that we can buy on the side of the street for less than 50 thousand rupiahs, the bohemian baby doll is coming. Even ladies who wears hijab (headscarf) can wear it with a spandex body suit under it. These bohemian baby doll come with a lot of varieties using laces, beads or ribbons, some carry patterns such as pasley, floral etc.

Green also plays dominant role in accessories field, being lime or turqoise, or leafy green, they stand out and people use them as accents like a new red. Green beady string of earrings are sold
for 50 thousand rupiahs in Pasaraya, to complete a totally bohemian look. You may add a pair of ethnic or Indian sandals for more impact.

For those who doesn't have the courage or doesn't want to adapt all their fashion style to bohemian can pick one of these pieces for accents, such as combining a bohemian baby doll with a regular pair of jeans, or wearing earrings with your simple casual clothing.

Finally, you can wear scarf over your hair to match your style, and add a simple corsage to the knot and you're set to go, hippy chick!

Things that I'd rather do than work today...

1. Make a cup o' coffee and dunk peanut butter choco doughnut into it
2. Read magazines and all the reading materials that's been queueing to be read
3. Watch the rest of "arisan!" from my sister's dvd
4. Sleep
5. Go to the beach and lay flat on my back on the sand
6. write something ...
7. Sipping pinacolada
8. get involved in a humorous chat (where're my friends?)
9. go to music store and buy smooth jazz cd that i saw in magz