merry birthday me
the best birthday ever. no presents. just sms for congratulations. and everyone knows text messages don't count.
inilah chatting gue dan teman gue tentang ultah kita yg sux :
me: eh
me: happy belated bday to you too..
friend: huh
friend: too late
friend: im old now
me: he he
friend: wakakakakak
me: how was it ?
friend: how was what?
me: your belated bday
me: me: ke 35 ya?
friend: well apparent i know a lot of people and their stories and their life and their characters and such and such.. but.. no one knows me.. sigh..
friend: ga ada yang nyelametin loh
me: bohong banget
friend: pas jam 12nya cuma 5 orang yang nyelametin
me: well that's not bad lah
friend: 2 orang karena lagi ceting ma gue, 1 orang karena gue paksa, dan 2 orang nelfon
me: kekeke
friend: yup yup
friend: thats the truth
me: 3 org lagi karena elo gorok pake pedang
friend: excluding families yah
me: 1 org sambil ditodong pistol
me: idih tapi mending lah.. i got no presents
me: sux yah
friend: hehehe
friend: got no present too here
friend: sux
friend: aquarius geto lowh
me: makin tua tuh makin sux deh bday
friend: narcis abis kan
friend: kalo ga ada yg nyelematin nyesek bow
me: mber... wakwawww
me: amit2 deh elu don
friend: jam 12 pas gue lagi ngerjain saitjop di kantor
friend: hehehe
me: pas tgl 16 prasaan gue login, elu kaga ade
friend: yah, bgitulah, narcis tapi low profile
me: JIJIK bgt tau ga seh
friend: ada kok
me: ehehe
friend: jam 12 gue online
me: jam 12 gitu loh.. gue udah ngimpi ke mana2
friend: dari jam 10 malem sampe jam 3 pagi
friend: hehehe
friend: saitjooopp
me: bagi2 sini kek!!!!
me: hihi
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